Will you smile each time you see me?

Friday, November 25, 2011

处女座有时很忧郁 也许在外表上嘻嘻哈哈 但当自己一个人的时 ,也许会故意找伤心的事回忆 感叹命运的悲惨 然后第二天再抱着饱满的精神面对朋友们 那种气氛也许是可以营造出的悲惨 给自己的脆弱找个理由 告诉自己可以坚强 的确很坚强 至少不愿让别人看到眼泪。

处女们不爱说话 外表冰冷高傲 让人无法接近 他们似乎是天生的悲观主义者 因为理性的完美主义而瞻前顾后 他们总是低头默默地自卑 却永远没有害人的勇气他们绝对不会在你困难的时候离你而去 会坚强的陪你度过难关 他们在面对痛苦挫折的时候 往往勇敢得令人佩服。

处女爱一个人的时候真的是“死了都要爱” 充满罗曼蒂克的爱情藏在内心深处 一但你通过考验 他决定付出时 压抑的情感都将爆发出来 他会变得积极而大胆。所以 能被处女座选中的人是很幸福的 只要你是真的诚实 知性 负责。那么处女座人宁愿牺牲自已 也不会勉强所爱的。

处女为人知性 冷静 理智 顾全大局 知性的代表; 面具下 处处们也是很敏感的 又多疑 还超级的悲观。神经纤细 甚至还有点神经质 像个孩子一样 只要一感觉到不安全了 就会内心别扭纠结。表面看起来对很多事情都不在乎 其实内心纠结得要死 需要别人哄着逗着。

处女对任何事都要求过高 极其挑剔 但实际上处女本身也是最没底 最矛盾的人。外表强悍到没人真正敢融入进去 TA需要很多关爱 需要有一份坚定的安全感来巩固内心的不安。处女最大的毛病就是缺乏安全感 就因为常年把自己保护得死死的 处女内心就是希望有一个人能看穿TA全部的脆弱。

处女座的人喜欢在伤心的时候听伤心的歌 喜欢在开心的时候和在乎的人分享 常常口是心非 想拒绝却开不了口 朋友挺多 但懂的不多 不喜欢主动联系别人 但绝不是不在乎 不喜欢欠别人 也不喜欢别人欠自己 很安静 也可以很疯。不要觉得TA没心没肺 TA只是对很多事看得很开。

处女的情绪来自内心深处 所以一旦发泄出来就会像火山爆发一样 一发不可收拾。所以 处女需要与了解自己的人在一起 这样才可以每隔一段时间就抒发一下自己的心事 把闷在心里头的不愉快全部掏空。对处女而言 抱怨是有益健康的 请爱处女的人接受TA偶尔吐吐苦水 发发牢骚。

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tears in reality because of my dream at 12:39 PM

This morning..
I dreamt that..
I went into a haunted house..
Me & somebody went in together..
"Somebody" yelled..she said she saw cockroaches running around.
Then I yelled too..cause I'm afraid of cockroach..
Then she disappeared.. I have no idea where she went..
Then I ran..& bump into 84962384292 scary things.. I yelled & yelled..
no one was there to help me.. (it's like i was trapped inside)
Then a guy appeared..He said.. "I'll take you out."
But then He took me to his parents.. which are zombies..their eyes looks like.. lolipops..(small version). it kept on spinning. their lips are soared..their face full of scratches,pale & bloody..
Then they took me.. I ran & yelled.. but ended up running in the same place.. it's like repeating my steps.. i have no way out..
I was wearing a dress..& my whole dress was unzipped behind.. I have no idea why..
The guy was behind me & his parents were infront of me..
I was like.. (OMG..(begging & crying..) please help me zip back my dress..)
Then the guys parents held me on a bed..(those kind of facial bed..single one.)
His dad took a knife trying to slice of my right side skin.. (the part above your butt..where there's bone?yea..that part..try touch it..) I YELLED LIKE MAD IN PAIN & CRIED OUT LOUD..
because it hurts so damn badly..
I kept yelling & crying..

When i open my eyes.. 
It was filled with tears.. I was crying..
really crying.. omygosh.. so scary.. :'(
But..It was just another dream..
But also..when i touch that part of my body.. it hurts really badly..
So is it a dream or reality? it's just so scary..
Dreams are so scary..

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Monday, November 14, 2011
Thougts.. at 9:44 PM

I always think you're too nice for me.
I always think that you wouldn't be like the others..
I always thought that you wouldn't leave.
wouldn't leave
wouldn't leave
will never leave
never leave
never ever leave..
but then

you left..

P/s: was sick this few days.. sigh.
so.. san fu..
so pain..

"The reason you're still here,alive, is because someone needs you.."
so does it mean when no one needs you anymore, it's goodbye a.k.a leaving this world time?

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Saturday, November 12, 2011
A thousand years at 11:47 PM

I have died everyday waiting for you.
But Darling, dont be a afraid,cause I have loved you for a thousand years
I've loved you for a thousand years.

我剛讀了你寫的那偏post. 被感動到哭了..

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Monday, November 7, 2011
firstday at 11:58 PM

First day of work.
Legs hurt.
But I'm not that tired.
stress ahh.
But at least I got work to do.
better than nothing.
At least there's something keeping me occupied.
Make me think less.

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Friday, November 4, 2011
it's not okay at 2:31 PM

Everytime after my exam, people will surely ask me "how was it?"
well,my respond is always "it was okay".
But after exam,which is time-to-get-back-your-results-time.
You only realise that.. "it's not okay.." it's never okay.."
sigh..my results..
Studied,memorize,tried everything but still..
turned out like Shiattttt.

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Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Weird at 11:00 AM

I had this weird dream just now.
I just woke up.
My family & relatives had free tickets to USA.
It was super last minute.
I hasn't even packed anything yet.
But my family & relatives seemed to already knew.
Cause they've already packed.
Left me. only me.
So I rushed packing. I packed alot.
I ran down. everybody was looking at me.
Asking/calling me to faster.
PUSHING ME. I was really frustrated. so I don't know what I was doing.
I took a few shoes & slipper put it in a plastic bag.
Then I went to check my suitcase.
There's only 9shirts and few pants & skirt. I don't know why.
THEN I RAN UPSTAIRS. took a few more clothes.
Then ran down again.
I asked my mom how many hours does it takes to reach USA?
I said: 20?
She said : 18hours.
Then I'm like. "crap..no comp, & my ipod doesn't have any nice songs..this is so last minute.. I have no time to take the MP4 and put songs in it. I was really sad. This is so rushing. So hateful.

Luckily. I woke up. definitely a weird dream.
Mad. I have so much dreams to dream recently.


Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?

Nightmare at 10:50 AM

It was quite along ago.
I had a nightmare.
It was about 2012.It was like the worlds gonna end.
Me,my parents,brother,sister and relatives was packing our stuffs.
Putting it all together.tie-ing it.so i t won't fall apart.
Then all my relatives came to my house to gather.
Then I was upstairs packing my stuffs..
Then Minnie ( My dog) came up.She was really happy..
But then I couldn't take her along with me.
So I had to leave her here.. I cried & cried so hard.
Cause I know every living thing is gonna die.
Everyone's gonna die.
Then we went to the airport.(I have no idea why)
We bought tickets to UK. (doesn't make any sense)
Then we went on the airplane..
But half way,the plane was out of control.
So it fell & fell & fell.till with hit the waters.
& it burst.*boom.
We all died..

CRAZYY. I was so scared.

This dream was yesterday,when I was taking a nap.
I knew how to drive car.
I was at a place,I have no idea where.
But then I was angry. I don't know what I was angry about.
So I u-turned.. I was out of control with the car. I almost banged into a lady.
But she stopped in time. Then I tried to park my car but i couldn't.
I put neutral,so my car flew down. I was in the car,super duper scared.
I couldn't even hit the brakes.
Then My car went into the drain. Then I got out of my car. (un-hurt).
A few people passed by. I begged to help but non of them even look to my side.
After that.. A bunch of workers came down. there's a few guys & one girl.
They are all evil looking. Like those, molesters.
I begged them to help. I beg & beg & beg.
then this guy came touching my hands. (molesting)
He said: It's ok. we'll help you. (in an evil way).
Then i ran & ran & ran till i reach a place.
I hid in there.


i don't know what kind of dreams are these.
But I honestly don't like it.
It's really scary..
I woke up immediately.
I thought..I thought..
I died..


Will you catch me if I fall?
Will you hug me if I cry?



I can light up your world like nobody else.

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Never forget,

My AWESOME teammates.
I'll Miss each and everyone of you ♥.

Our Supporters,Much love to you guys ♥.
You're all awesome peoples,xx.

They grow up so fast.

Web Site Counter
Pulse Pro Tambourine

Question me?

。An unexpected Hug.
。Pretty dresses*
。Fujifilm PANDA Instax Mini 7s camera(Polaroid cam)*
。Polaroid Films*
。Studio Microphone*
。Trip to Aussie.
。Migrate to AUSTRALIA.
。Grow taller.

Speak up,Be heard.

Meet the people I love,

Andrea Ong
Bryan Lim Xing Jie
Cadie Lee ji Yan
Debbie Lim Zhen Xi
Elaine Law Poh Yoong
Edalene Low
Valerie Lim Yong Xin
Nicole Lim Zhen Ting
Sim Xiao Eing
Yap Xin Ya

About my past,
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
March 2013
April 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
February 2014
May 2014
June 2014
August 2014
September 2014
December 2014
January 2015
February 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
October 2016
November 2016


This blogskin is proudly brought to you by Mrs. Chuck Bass, with a lil' help of Chili with the basecodes. Thanks to Enlaced for the pretty icons and Tumblr for the inspirations.
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